Wednesday, 30 November 2016


Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening wherever you are!

I am lying in bed, I cant physically make it downstairs without running to the toilet or passing out. Well Done my body! Just before Christmas as well, lovely.

So hurrah! I am back to basics, blogging every Wednesday at the least and to be updated as I have breaks from uni. I have 2 more deadlines before we break up and then definitely 2 that I know of in the new year.

I have recently joined a group on facebook about makeup and although that wont primarily be my posts, it has pushed me back towards a schedule.

I know this will be very slow and a work to get back on its feet, but basics are best

It would be great for any tags or recommendations that can be commented.

Lots of love,
Luce xxx

@lucymaygre (the only twitter I now have access too, thanks blue bird)